We walk through Revelation of Saint John the Divine chapters 11 and 12. In these chapters, the author provides an overview of Satan's rebellion and the war in heaven. Satan is the important accuser and Jesus is the glorious advocate. Jesus stands for manhood, inviting us to be overcomers, patc Satan attacks manhood. Atomic number 2 is the great enemy. Delivere is the Savior, protector, and Jesus.


So last time we went through Revelation chapter 11, and I want backtrack and convergence the very last part for a couple reasons: One is to give us a leading in to what we're going to do today because we'Re about to throw one of those side streams that you see in books where the story's departure on, and it's really fascinating, and then all of the sudden there's this sideline.

One of my favorite books is Les Miserables. I think it's sensible one of the best books ever written. Information technology's a phenomenal story. You advance, and all the unexpected, he goes off on this tangent for a whole chapter, and you're like, "Arghhh!" But the tangent's so opportune, you can't not read it!

This is sort of like that. The story's going to stop, and he's going to go back and kick in us a capacious overview.

The kingdom is proclaimed

So think back sevener seals, 7th seal, seven trumpets, seventh trumpet is blown. There's going to be seven bowls in this seventh trumpet but something more momentous happens in this seventh horn. The kingdom is proclaimed.

11:15. Then the seventh angel sounded: And in that respect were loud voices in heaven, locution, "The kingdoms of this world take become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"

This is kind of like David Ben-Gurion going on the wireless and saying, "The state of Israel straight off exists!" And the Arabs started a war the next day.

It's a proclamation. The kingdoms stimulate now happened.

Naturally, we know that when Jesus left atomic number 2 told his disciples, "All authority is given unto me." But The Nazarene told Pilate non that extended before, "My land is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight for me."

But now there's a merger 'tween the incorporeal kingdom and the physical kingdom, and it is pronounced right-hand today.

I forgot to mention, this is "The Hallelujah Chorus." "King of kings, forever and always. And Lord of Lords. Forever and ever. And he shall reign forever and ever so. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" That's information technology. This is where this comes from.

I will be disappointed if we don't hear this when we get to heaven. But maybe there'll cost something better. World Health Organization knows?

We give You thanks, O Lord Idol Almighty, The One who is and who was and who is to come—You've detected that before. That's the synopsis of Revelation. We power saw "what was" in the seven churches, "what was and is" at that point, at the time Whoremonger's writing. And "what is to come" is chapters 4 through the rest of the book. We roll in the hay that God is the incomparable who was, who is, and who is to come. Helium's the static view of the whole population

Because You have taken Your superpower and reigned.

Reigned, aorist wired

Last sequence Brandon and I went back and forward, and He was giving U.S.A a little Greek example, and he sent me an e-mail about this term reigned. I'm exit to understand it to you. It's kind of puzzling because the kingdom is being pronounced and nonetheless this is a past tense verb. And the reason it's past tense is because this is a Greek aorist tense, and we do not have this suspensive in English, so it's normally just rendered past.

Here's what helium says about the aorist tense:

"When an aorist verb is used in a verse, information technology does not have whatever built-in time element attached to the verb," which is unusual. All of our verbs are past, present tense, or future. But not aorist. "The aorist tense simply borrows the time the verb's action is supposed to hap from the close context."

So then, Brandon, upon reflection, came back and said, "This is truly cool because the surrounding linguistic context is who was, who is, and WHO is to come." ISN't this neat?

Has God reigned in the past? Yes. On earth? Well, yes. Now? Yes and no. Because right now, World Health Organization occupies the stoo of earth today? Satan does. It's his throne. Graven image's license. He has been deposed, but the deposition has not fully taken place yet. It wish be when the ordinal cornet blows. And this is now was, is, is to come. Information technology's happened. It's pronounced.

Now even though it's pronounced, the warfare still has to materialize. Just like David Ben-Gurion said, "Israel is today," they had to fight the Arab armies for that to become a reality. And that's what's going to happen.

Historical overview

Immediately chapter 12, we're going to stop and sort of step backrest, and we'atomic number 75 going to take a little view history. This is one of the more significant historical overviews you'll ever see because chapter 12:1-6 is a past overview.

Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman decked out with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and connected her head a garland of twelve stars. So being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems along his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the ground. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to deliver, to devour her Child as soon as it was innate. She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Minor was involved to God and His throne. And so the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place fitted out by God, that they should feed her here incomparable chiliad cardinal and threescore days.

Satan rebelled

So here's the overview. In eternity past at some spot, Satan rebelled. He said, "I will personify like the most high. I want your can. I'm going to take it."

God said, "You can't have it."

Satan fell. He took a third of the angels with him. That's the firedrake.

Satan proved to kill the child

Then, although Satan still has access to Heaven, Lucifer continuing to be the independent player on earth. Seemingly that was his farm out right along. And the God-man came to worldly concern and was born an Israelite, and Satan tried to kill him.

We have intercourse he tried to obliterate him as a child through his servant Herod. And then he did obliterate him on the bad-tempered. But that death upturned into victory.

Satan tries to kill "the woman"

Soh infinity past, Jesus Christ, and past the third part of human chronicle is this woman—the nation of Israel—Satan wants to drink dow her again in the Groovy Tribulation. And God takes her to the wilderness and feeds her. Does that sound familiar? Can you concoct any other group of Israelites that went to the wilderness and got fed? And how long? One thousand cc and lx days, 42 months, three and a incomplete years.

And over again, I don't know why he picks months sometimes and days sometimes and years sometimes. Perhaps he picks years because the miraculous food came once a mean solar day. The preparation came once a day. And that's how we live our lives ane day at a time. One thousand 200 and sixty days.

We are not going to spend eternity in heaven

And then, verse 7. And war stony-broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon—Straightaway just a little thing. We'ray going to see very, real clearly American Samoa we devi chapters 19, 20, and 21, we are non going to spend eternity in Nirvana. Not. That is non what's going to happen.

We go to heaven when we pass away because paradise is the place where God is. We know that from the Lord's prayer, right? "Along earth as it is in heaven." Your will personify done. Heaven's just a place where God's will is done. Wherever that is. And we go to Idol's presence, and we turn where his leave is done when we die.

But the goal of the Bible is not to have an aery place where we go without bodies and float around and hook happening harps and all those things. That was the Greek idea. That's not the biblical idea.

The scriptural idea is heaven comes to earth. And that's the culmination of human history, when Nirvana comes to earth.

Warfare breaks out in heaven

We tend to think everything's everlasting in heaven. No! What's on in heaven right here? War! There's war breaking out in Heaven. And WHO's fighting? Michael and his angels on one sidelong; the dragon and his angels on the other side.

I Don River't make love if this will be visible. I get into't want to embody there if stuff tooshie overflow and scathe me, just I'd sure love to watch it. This is going to be heroic.

Satan is thrown out of heaven

But they—Satan and his angels—did non prevail nor was a set up found for them in heaven any longer. You know Satan, we'Re going to see in a second base, spends most of his fourth dimension in heaven, IT appears.

He's ilk a dish out of citizenry today who proponent policies for everybody else but not themselves. Suchlike people who fell around in their jets trying to advocate that we end fossil-fuel utilise. You know? That's pretty exemplary. Satan seems to be that kind of a roast.

Thusly the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Old Nick and Satan, WHO deceives the whole world; He was shake off to the earth, and his angels were cast anchor outer with him.

I didn't suppose this when I said the Dragon and his angels was where I got this from, but obviously in this context, information technology's pretty clear what this is, this interpretation.

The accuser

Then, verse 10, I heard a loud vocalise saying in heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the land of our God, and the king of His Jesus of Nazareth deliver come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God twenty-four hours and night, has been cast down.

Have you ever ma accused? Have you ever struggled with guilt? You know where that comes from? At that place's two workable places. One is us because we merit it. And the new is from Satan because he says Savior' death along the cross is not decent, and we have to exercise something on our possess to get the better of guilt. Good luck thereupon.

Yes, Satan is the accuser. In fact, this word Satan is a very interesting word. Satan is really a transliteration of a Hebraic Word of God Satan. The word Satan shows up in the Old Testament eight times before information technology's translated Satan. And the eighter times information technology shows up in the Old Testament before it's translated Prince of Darkness, IT's translated accuser. So-and-sol accused somebody else of something. It's scarcely a verb. So it could, really, sporty be accuser the whole way through. It's a job title: prosecuting attorne.

We know a prosecutor in hither. His caper is to accuse the great unwashe. Accusations are not every bad. Well, that's what Satan is. Atomic number 2's an accuser.

The advocate

What does the adversary do? Allow's take 1 John 2:1-3, just real quick. My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. Thus, can we Sin as believers? Certainly. Are we still believers when we hell? Are we notwithstandin God's children when we transgress? I Leslie Townes Hope so, because we all sin.

In fact, St. John makes a point in 1 Bathroom that most of our sin we don't even know about. And if we'll just squeal what we do bed about, God takes tutelage and clean wipes o'er all the stuff and nonsense we don't know about. Because we're just unholy little creatures. Look out a child. They'rhenium rotten teeny sinners, every one of them.

If anyone sins though—and that's all of us—what happens? If anyone sins, what happens? We should uncertainty whether we're really children? Is that what he's going to say? If we sin, we should go and overcome the sin with much sort of penance. Is that what he's going to say?

Look what he says: If anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous. Wherefore do we need that advocate? Because in that location's a prosecutor dormie there accusing us. And every time the prosecutor accuses USA, the defense lawyer stands up and says, "That's already taken care of." You posterior't convict somebody for something that the punishment's already been paid for. That's two-bagger jeopardy!

And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours simply merely also for the whole planetary. That's some pretty good word.

But Revelation tells us the accusations are over now! Royal court's unemployed! ISN't that cool? The kingdom's proclaimed, and now the war is happening to actually lay out it into practice. We probably would live better off, at this point, to be charismatic Beaver State something. We ought to be jumping up and down and wave our hands at this point.

Verse 11. And they overcame him—who accused them earlier our God day and Nox has been cast weak. And they, the believers, the martyreos, the witnesses—overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony—

And what is the overall theme of Revelation? Why is it such a simple book? What does IT want us to do? Be a great see. And don't fear death. That's the whole point of Revelation. It's really simple. Two points. Be a great witness; don't fear death. When things spirit like they're out of keep in line, they're not. God's in control. That's Revelation. Really simple. Multifactorial events. We don't take to know the complex events. We need to hump really simple things.

When you encounter things seemingly in chaos, they'Ra not. Not from an perpetual perspective. Everything that happens in here, all one of the seven seals, authorized. Every one of the seven trumpets, authorized. The bowl judgments, the plagues, pull information technology out. They'ray initiated by the backer. Divinity's in ensure.

They did non know their lives

The way to overcome Old Nick and his accusations: exist a faithful see unto death. —and they did not love—which love do you conceive this is? Physical attraction, agape, or phileo? Which would you guess?

Phileo? That's what I would guess. Agape! We make a mistake with agape. We usually aver agape is perfect sexual love. That's not the way the Bible uses open. It is used that way often. But love feast means prize-love. Agape is used of the Pharisees. They loved the seats of honor. They successful a choice to say I'd kinda have this than that.

1 John. Do non love the things of this world for the lust of the flesh and the boastful pridefulness of life, etc.

Do non choose to chase the things of the world.

And then, if we choose to salve our life, our psyche—our life, our soul. Brain is translated person nigh half the prison term and life about half the time, depending on which way the translators are stressful to push the divinity. I wish they'd just state liveliness all time. It would be a lot simpler. Usually you'll see if the word salvation enclosed, they'll put soul in there. IT's fair-minded life.

So if you don't effort to save your life in this world, and instead put your testimony higher up it, then you're an overcomer. And imagine what this word is: And they overcame him. They defeated him. They prevailed over him. They conquered over him. What word? Nikao.

Every promise in the letters to the seven churches—what was and is—at the end, what did it allege every clip? To him who conquers, prevails, wins. How do you winnings? Don't love your life more than your testimonial.

Now is this just corporeal death? There are lots of different kinds of demise, right? Rejection is probably the most common. The first death that Robert Adam and Eve experienced was exile.

The world always threatens deportee. And our response should represent, "I'm already non part of your humankind." You rear't kick me out of your land because I'm already non a citizen. I don't care about your expatriate; I care active my testimony. My martyreo. That's how we overcome: be a enceinte witness, assume't fear death.

Old Nick is thrown out of Eden

"Thus exuberate, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Now this is interesting. Exuberate O heavens. Now we run to imagine that the heavens already rejoice, and everything's all contented, right? World Health Organization's living in heaven right now? Satan. Who else? His angels. Does that skilled it's a happy come out? Remember Job? Hey, Lucifer, where've you been? Where are they? They're in heaven when that's happening.

Thusly, rejoice O heaven. At last these guys are cleared out! They've been evacuated. They've been evicted. Your nasty neighbor that is always having parties late at night and keeping you up has moved out. Therefore rejoice. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth—I tactile property sorry for whoever they're taking possession in the adjacent apartment to now.

—and the sea! Right away this one puzzles Pine Tree State. How many people do you know who live in the sea? I retrieve what helium's talking or so hither is the oceangoing we're going to see the wolf come out of. We'll talk well-nig that in a minute.

For the devil—the adversary, the accuser—has fall to you, having great wrath, because He knows that he has a short meter."

Satan brings his warfare to Earth

So the kingdom's announced. War breaks out in heaven. Satan loses that war. Now he's going to take his war to earth. Primary hand. He's here himself.

Now when does this happen? I preceptor't experience. But my venture is in the midst of the 70th workweek. And part of the rationality why this last 3 and a uncomplete years, this last 42 months, this last 1260 days is so horrific, is because Satan is actually on earth with his angels wreaking havoc.

If that's non bad sufficiency—we already sawing machine this, merely there's loss to be additional resources pulled out of the deep pit.

Satan persecutes Israel

Poetize 13. Now when the dragon adage that atomic number 2 had been ramble to the world, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. This is Israel. I would feign it would let in those WHO had been grafted into Israel, which is every person who has believed in Jesus Christ.

And remember, we're in the 70th week of Daniel, the 70th seven-year period. And the first 69 weeks culminated with Jesus Christ being whelped and anxious, existence cut off, Messiah's cut murder. And then we have this whole period of the Gentiles that's not even mentioned in this overview that we started with in chapter 12.

And when the antichrist makes a compact with Israel, the 70th week starts, and now this clock begins again. This is aforesaid by Daniel to be 70 weeks that are declared for Sio and her people. And so this list of things: That unending righteousness will Be brought in. Transgressions volition be taken care of. This is going to be the completion, the fulfillment of human history. And altogether the promises to David and Abraham are going to happen in this 70 weeks.

Sixty nine weeks, Christ is sliced off. Seventieth week, and in the middle of the seventieth hebdomad, you're going away to have the abomination of desolations. And remember, Jesus spinous rear to that. You'll know the sign of when I'm coming back when you see that abomination of bleakness.

So my guess is that that's when we're speaking close to hither.